I am proud to present my first ever CCO/MAC sale! I finally got up to my CCO (and down to another one in my state too) and have some goodies for you guys!
I wanted to hurry up and start the sale, so my pictures aren't the greatest. I recommend Googling products for better swatches/details if you're unfamiliar with them. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. *The pictures are clickable if you want a closer look.
Everything listed is 100% authentic MAC & Brand New in Box. Purchased at Cosmetics Company Store.
I WILL ACCEPT PAYPAL ONLY. It is the safest, most secure and easiest way to send and receive payments.
If you are interested in buying, please leave a comment below with the items you are interested in and your paypal email address. Immediate payment is required. Items will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. If I do not receive your payment within 24 hours, I will release the products to the next person who let me know they were interested.
U.S. shipping is $4. International shipping is $7.
Confirmation, Tracking or Insurance is available upon request, but will cost extra. All packages will be sent same day or next (depending on what time I receive cleared payment) and will be shipped Priority Mail via United States Postal Service.
I am sorry to report that I will not hold any items. It would not be fair to others.
you got some cool stuff. I wanna get something but I need to keep saving. Please drop bymmy blog when you have the time.
hey could you possibly take the mac spaced out blush out of the box for a pic so I can see the color better? Great stuff:)
Natalie - Here's a link to great pics of the blush: http://www.specktra.net/forum/f217/mac-neo-sci-fi-swatches-may-08-a-94632/index2.html
Hope it helps :)
What a preeetty layout! I wonder what your entire make up collection looks like. It seems like you have every thing!
Hi. I'd love the Blonde MSF please. (I'm in CA.) heidipena@clearwire.net
Hello :) Im wondering if you still have the shy beauty powder up for sale? Lately I haven't had much luck with blog sales since what I want almost always has sold. Thanks!!
Marissa - The shy beauty is all yours! Just comment/email me your paypal email address & let me know if you live in the US or not & I'll send your invoice ASAP. Everything that isn't marked SOLD is still available :)
i am interested in three of the products, but i dont have a paypal. I am a minor, so i dont have a credit card, but i will easily pay cash, I would send you the money then get the products, so we make sure you get the money, and hopefully ill get my products? i hope thats a good idea? please next me know your thoughts.
Hello :)I am not sure if you got my reply to my e-mail a couple of days ago with my paypal e-mail but in case you didn't it is garciamaricela74@yahoo.com. I won't have the money until a few days from now until I get paid on the first so if no one has bought the shy beauty by then please send it to me then and I will pay asap. I am located in the U.S. thank you so much!!!!!
Marwa - If you want to send me a money order, that's fine with me. Just leave a comment with your email address or email me at mine (it's in the sidebar) and I'll give you my address. If you want to send cash, it would be at your own risk, so that's up to you. Let me know :)
Marissa - I'll send you the invoice today and hold the Shy Beauty for you for a week :)
Hey, i want to know how much ist MSF Gold Spill an Sculpt & Shape together? I maybe would take both!?
Answer me on my blog or at sinalena@gmx.de.
Finery Lip Bag in Plum Lips (Ultra-Madame, Culture Class & Contessa) - $30
dedra williams
Dedra - Shipping your package tomorrow! I live an hour south of you, so you should get your package by Friday or Saturday :)
"yeahhhhhhhhh!!:D "yes i'm that happy lol i been looking for this set 4 a long time and i found your sale kinda randomly on google thanks a bunch ,i will let you know when i get it .
hi is the mac 183 brush still available?thanks
I've moved since I posted the sale, so I'll have to do some searching for it. If you email me your contact info I can let you know once I find it :) My email address in under Contact Info on the top of my blog.
i know trhis is late, i just found this today, do you still have the msfs that dont say sold? if so im interested
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